Tuesday, February 19, 2013

An Hour with Ben Graham

Below is a 1976 interview with Benjamin Graham at his home in Lo Jolla, CA.  Mr. Hartman L. Butler, Jr., CFA recorded the conversation via his cassette recorder and then transcribed the interview which is displayed just below.  The conversation touches on Graham's shift from the "selective approach to the group approach" with less emphasis on the individual company.  I think it is an interesting to see someone like Joel Greenblatt start to shift his emphasis similarly to the group approach   

Monday, February 4, 2013

The Legacy of Benjamin Graham (video)

Below is a video from the recent Columbia Student Investment Management Conference.  This video contains rare video footage of Graham as well as interviews with other legends such as: Benjamin Graham, Jr Warren Buffett,Charles Brandes, Irving Kahn, and others.

Bruce Berkowitz on Bloomberg: Why he is closing the Fairholme Fund